19th. – 25th. May 2025


19th. to 25th. May 2025

After 12 wonderful years of hosting the Bleeding Pig Cultural Festival in September, we are excited to announce a significant change for 2025! Starting this year, our festival will now take place in May. This shift allows us to embrace a fresh season, bringing new opportunities for entertainment, community engagement, and cultural celebration. We believe this change will enhance the festival experience for everyone, offering milder weather and a vibrant atmosphere in which to enjoy all the events we have planned. Stay tuned for more details as we prepare for an unforgettable festival in May 2025!

In the meantime, International Women’s Day is coming up on the 8th. March and our monthly film screenings from January to June and from September to December from Lambay Cinema Club on Thursdays in The Church of Ireland’s church @ The Square.

Details of all our events are on our Facebook page and website.


Where did name for the Bleeding Pig Cultural Festival come from?
A commonly asked question from people new to the area.

Below the cliff walk from Tower Bay in Portrane and The Shoreline hotel in Balcarrick are numerous caves – a few of which are famous in the area – ‘Priest’s Chamber’- ‘Chink Well’- ‘Bleeding Pig’ and ‘Mermaid’s Churn’. Bleeding Pig a well known rock from which water drips red. – probably due to composition of rock The rock itself is in the shape of a pig – hence the name

When the then committee back in 2013 came up with the idea to form a cultural festival to promote the arts in the area they needed a name that would link the two area of Donabate and Portrane. As these caves are between both places it was decided to use Bleeding Pig in the name so….
The Bleeding Pig Cultural Festival.

The Bleeding Pig Cultural Festival committee are a group of local people either involved in or interested in the arts. The committee was formed in 2013 to help promote the arts on the peninsula of Donabate/Portrane.

Chairperson – Willie Cahill

President – Eilis McDermott

Secretary – Ann Hogan

Treasurer  – Sharon Scally

PRO – Emer Weston

The  aim of the Festival was to bring together different cultural groups on the peninsula of Donabate/Portrane under one grouping and to enable these groups to reach a wider audience within their community. In this way we had hoped to attract a wider audience and appreciation of the cultural groups in our area. We think we have achieved our aim and have also helped different groups to come together and collaborate on projects we have initiated like the 1916-2016 rising commemorations, International Women’s Day and more recently the Harry Clarke exhibition. We have also worked hard to reach out to all age groups and to all areas of arts and culture in the hope that audiences can more fully understand and appreciate the different arts and culture traditions that exist around them.

We have also recently formed a film club Lambay Cinema Club to show world cinema films on a monthly basis.

We provide a central platform for all cultural and arts groups on the peninsula and beyond to enable them to promote their craft.

We run a Facebook and Instagram page and a website to help advertise our events, we organise venues and facilitate individuals and groups to meet up and hopefully collaborate on projects. We also provide funding through Fingal C.C. and our own fundraising efforts.

We also provide insurance for the various amateur groups when they display at Bleeding Pig Cultural Festival events.

Our Sponsors