19th. to 25th. May 2025
After 12 wonderful years of hosting the Bleeding Pig Cultural Festival in September, we are excited to announce a significant change for 2025! Starting this year, our festival will now take place in May. This shift allows us to embrace a fresh season, bringing new opportunities for entertainment, community engagement, and cultural celebration. We believe this change will enhance the festival experience for everyone, offering milder weather and a vibrant atmosphere in which to enjoy all the events we have planned. Stay tuned for more details as we prepare for an unforgettable festival in May 2025!
In the meantime, International Women’s Day is coming up on the 8th. March and our monthly film screenings from January to June and from September to December from Lambay Cinema Club on Thursdays in The Church of Ireland’s church @ The Square.
Details of all our events are on our Facebook page and website.
Where did name for the Bleeding Pig Cultural Festival come from?
A commonly asked question from people new to the area.Below the cliff walk from Tower Bay in Portrane and The Shoreline hotel in Balcarrick are numerous caves – a few of which are famous in the area – ‘Priest’s Chamber’- ‘Chink Well’- ‘Bleeding Pig’ and ‘Mermaid’s Churn’. Bleeding Pig a well known rock from which water drips red. – probably due to composition of rock The rock itself is in the shape of a pig – hence the name
When the then committee back in 2013 came up with the idea to form a cultural festival to promote the arts in the area they needed a name that would link the two area of Donabate and Portrane. As these caves are between both places it was decided to use Bleeding Pig in the name so….
The Bleeding Pig Cultural Festival.